  • 农学家
  • 作物顾问
  • 商业涂布
  • 野外生物学家
  • nrc官
  • 林业土地经理
  • 县除草官
  • 理赔人 


对农业有热情, 植物育种和作物生理学,并希望通过在全国主要作物生产州之一的实践经验继续学习.


A highly-demanded career in a variety of agricultural fields.


  • 产品专家
  • 区域销售农艺师
  • 种子改良专家
  • 农民
  • 农学的销售


Usually, more employment opportunities are available in CWS than there are qualified graduates. Producers require annual inputs such as seed, 肥料和除草剂, so they seek assistance in sales or service areas such as crop consulting, chemical application and soil testing each year. 因此, CWS毕业生的机会通常比在收入低时可以推迟投入的就业领域更稳定. 也, 由于许多公司对农艺师的高需求,CWS毕业生的工资在所有农业毕业生中处于或接近最高水平.

The employment opportunities in CWS can best be summarized by the jobs that our graduates have accepted. Our graduates have been employed as crop production consultants (agronomists); 市场营销 experts for herbicides, fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals; managers of farm service centers for cooperatives and elevators; agents in the production and 市场营销 of certified seeds; research technicians for private companies and universities; natural resources conservationists and agents for other governmental agencies; county agricultural extension agents; field representatives for 甜菜叶片 or food processing companies; farm managers; farm insurance agents; research associates with private 植物育种 companies; and persons involved in the reclamation of strip-mined land.

通常情况下,10%到15%的新大CWS毕业生回到农场或牧场,5%到10%继续他们的学习,获得研究生学位. The median starting salary for a CWS graduate with a bachelor's degree was $50,000 in 2021. 除了, benefits packages that include health, dental and retirement are very competitive, signing bonuses and performance bonuses might be available, and some provide a vehicle and cell phone.

Many employers hire undergraduate students as interns for the summer months, and some hire for spring-summer semester or summer-fall semester periods. Several faculty hire students to help with research activities, 植物科学系也资助有意向读研的暑期实习生. The opportunities for summer interns, beginning with students between their freshman and 二年级学生 years, have exceeded the supply of students for several years. The salary for interns is competitive with the income for alternative summer jobs, 强劲的市场导致工资水平高达每小时22美元,其中包括签约奖金,一些雇主还会支付暑期实习费用. 实习能提供很好的工作经验,而且往往会让毕业生比没有类似经验的学生更早被录用,薪水也更高.


贷款, 奖学金, grants and the work-study program are available through 经济援助及奖学金. Students requiring assistance may contact the Office of 经济援助及奖学金 or 一站.

The Department of Plant Sciences awards several 奖学金 for use during the freshman, 二年级学生, 大三和大四. 另外, certain 奖学金 are awarded by the 大学 of 农业, 食物系统, 和自然资源. 所有学院和院系奖学金的申请可以在12月1日至3月1日期间在线申请, 每年. 也, 许多本科生在学年期间兼职,在夏季的几个月里全职工作,以协助研究或教学活动.


The department sponsors the NDSU Agronomy Club. 农学俱乐部邀请行业和学术专家在俱乐部会议上谈论专业机会和活动. The club also arranges trips to local agriculture businesses and arranges community outreach activities. 农学俱乐部参加地区和国家的有关作物生产和杂草科学的竞赛. 该俱乐部每年参加会议,以了解中北部地区农业的几个方面.

There are nearly 300 other Clubs and Organizations available at NDSU. Many of these focus around a discipline or interest area, such as Agronomy club and the disciplines and professions encompassed by the CWS major. But you are not required to be in the major or minor to join the Agronomy Club. 我们欢迎所有对农学感兴趣的学生加入我们,无论你是有作物生产的背景,还是只是想了解更多乐虎电子作物生产和行业机会.


The department offers four options in the CWS major: agronomy, 生物技术, 科学和杂草科学. 这是一个重点或轨道作为CWS专业的一部分,允许细化每个学生的职业准备方向. 所有主修或双主修CWS的学生必须满足CWS核心专业和一门选修课的要求. 对某一特定选修课感兴趣的学生将用适合该选修课的特定课程替换样本课程中列出的几门选修课.

  • Agronomy – This option is the most popular. It deals with the technical aspects of agricultural production and management. It provides the most elective credits, which allows students to select courses that complement special interests in farming, 市场营销, 企业管理, 县扩展工程, 等.
  • 生物技术-这个选项是为希望在作物生物技术领域工作的技术人员或继续研究生学习的学生准备的.
  • Science – This option deals with application of chemistry, botany, mathematics and physics to CWS. It is an excellent curriculum option for students intending to pursue a graduate degree in CWS. 额外的科学和数学部分也为从事土壤分析和残留测试的学生提供了良好的培训, 水, 植物组织样本.
  • 杂草科学-这个选项, which emphasizes proper use of herbicides and other agricultural chemicals, meets the demand for qualified personnel in 市场营销 and application of agricultural chemicals. 也, 这个选项为作物生产顾问(农艺师)和植物保护职业提供了良好的背景. The greatest emphasis is placed on weed control, but additional courses in entomology, plant pathology and soil science are required.

除了, some faculty in plant sciences advise students interested in the Biotechnology and General 农业 majors. 生物技术专业是一个跨学科的课程,强调基础和乐虎集团科学课程以及实验室经验,为学生在生物技术行业的就业或研究生学习做好准备. 综合农业课程让学生接触到农业领域的学科,以满足不同的课程需求. This exposure is strengthened through selection of pertinent coursework in a minimum of four discipline areas.


Any NDSU student with a major other than CWS can elect the CWS minor. 辅修课程包括18学分的课程,包括作物和生产实践的基础课程,具有广泛的灵活性,可以探索特定的作物生产, 害虫管理, 土壤方面, or seed trait and 遗传学 courses. CWS辅修课程将使学生熟悉作物生产中的术语和实践,以帮助学生为相关学科做准备. Sales and 市场营销 managers of agronomic inputs or commodities, publication or promotion firms writing about or for 农业 industries, animal operations that need forages an crops for feed, 或土壤保护主义者,他们需要考虑可接受的耕作方式,以满足农业法案的标准和规定,这些个人和情况下,CWS辅修课程可以为另一个专业提供很好的补充.